Monday, December 7, 2020

Business Management Mobile Apps

 Any business, regardless of its size, can be managed using mobile business management apps that facilitate remote work.

If you are one of the freelancers who decide to escape on a vacation or your frenetic activity makes you spend little time in the office, pay attention to these mobile apps that IT expert, Walter Helwich shares with you. These are applications that have to do with billing, social networks, content, task planning and time control:


1. GSuite: the star among business management mobile apps

It is Google's smart app package that facilitates remote work in the cloud through services and functionalities such as Gmail, calendar, Drive for hosting files or Hangout for instant messaging.

Walter Helwich indicates that any self-employed or self-respecting entrepreneur will access the benefits of GSuite from their mobile device. It is a must in the set of business management mobile apps.


2. Business Evernote: multitasking function

According to Walter Helwich, it is a multifunctional tool that acts as a digital agenda, project manager, and data collector or synchronization system for shared workspaces so that you do not lose sight of your productivity and that of your team. Its presence in the lists of business management mobile apps is constant.


3. Hootsuite for your social media strategy

If your business has profiles on social networks, Walter Helwich indicates that you can schedule your publications through Hootsuite and ignore doing it manually. In this way you can continue to be the perfect community manager from the mountain, from the beach or in your free spaces between client or client.


4. Google Analytics: without losing sight of the traffic

Do you want to follow the evolution of the traffic rates to your website at any time and place? Walter Helwich advices you to configure Google Analytics on your mobile to monitor the number of visits to that post that you programmed on the blog or on the sales page.

Following the results will give you the keys to optimize your Inbound Marketing strategy, get to know your users better and their behavior on your website at any time, including holidays.

These apps will help you to manage your business in these times of Coronavirus pandemic.

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