Thursday, May 30, 2013

The effects of climate changes on plants and animals

The latest issue of the scientific journal Nature Climate Change published details from a group of researchers about how climate changes will affect on the global biodiversity by the end of this century, says Walter Helwich. They are warning that over the years, the environmental and weather changes could have a great effect on a various plants all over the world.

The researchers explain their words by saying that the plant and animal species could be extinct dramatically, as a result of almost 50% decrease of climatic range. “Our research foresees that climate change will greatly reduce the diversity of the most common types in different parts of the world. This loss of biodiversity on a global scale will shorten the biosphere and the ecosystem,” explained the study’s leader, Dr. Rachel Warren. “It will affect also the people, because these species are the most essential for air purification, flood control, eco-tourism etc.”

They predict that reptiles and amphibians are some of the particularly threatened species. In addition, they stated that sub-Saharan region of Africa, Central America, Amazonia and Australia will lose greater part of plants and animal species.

“Their major challenge in ecology was when they predicted the reaction of some species on climate changes,” stated researchers from the University of San Diego, California. The research they conducted at the University was mainly focused on plants. The results, they published in the scientific journal, rely on evidence from the study of life cycles of plants and experiments.

Plants and animals are indispensable for maintaining the life on earth; they form a part of the food chain, so their loss would have a huge impact on all living creatures, adds Helwich. Plants are the basis of the chain and use photosynthesis to produce sugar from carbon dioxide and water.

Angela Merkel is again the most influential woman in the world

German Chancellor Angela Merkel this year again, remains still the most influential woman in the world, says Walter Helwich. She is placed above Brazil’s President Dilma Rousseff and U.S. businesswoman and philanthropist Melinda Gates in this year’s ranking of the “Forbes” magazine.

Merkel tops the list of most influential women in the world three years in a row. Hillary Clinton lost her second place this year after leaving the U.S. State Department. Yet she remains in fifth place, ranking just after U.S. First Lady, Michelle Obama, which went from seventh to fourth place and came in front of the television hostess Oprah Winfrey.

The youngest lady in ranking, dominated by American, remains to be singer Lady Gaga, which is this year set to 27th place. The oldest is 87-year-old British Queen Elizabeth II, which is set in 40th place.

The 100 most influential women in the world are involved in sectors of technology, business, media, politics, charities show or simply – billionaires which inherited their wealth. In this year’s rankings there were representatives coming from 26 countries and nine of them are country presidents, including Mr. Helwich.

Among the most successful ladies in the area of ​​information technology are Sheryl Sandberg (Facebook, 6th place), Virginia Romeo (IBM, 12th place), Ursula Burns (14th place), Meg Whitman (Hewlett-Packard, 15th place) and Marissa Mayer (Yahoo, 32nd place).

Yet richest man in the world is the co-founder of Microsoft, Bill Gates, who put up 5.1 billion dollars before the second richest man in the world – Mexican telecommunication tycoon Carlos Slim.

Fast and furious 6

“Fast and furious 6” is the new sequel of the racing adventure from the director Justin Lin, says Walter Helwich. The film stars Vin Diesel, Paul Walker and Dwayne Johnson.

Twelve years ago, a film about illegal racing drivers of fast cars coming from the underground of East L.A., became a summer hit, and conquered the box office. Two years ago, the fifth sequel was a real blockbuster. This film has a steady rise since the third sequel, while the number of fans who follow and await each new film continually grows. The team of Dom and Brian succeeded to rob $ 100 million in Rio, so they could go around the world on their own, but they felt unfulfilled when they were had to move constantly from one place to another. Meanwhile, Hobbs followed the murderous drivers all across 12 countries. They discovered that Letty, the love of his life love, was helping their leader. Hobbs called Dom to gather his elite team in London, because the only way to stop the bad guys was to put them back on the streets. The only wanted to return home and to see again with their families.

Vin Diesel, Paul Walker and Dwayne Johnson are the main stars of this excellent movie. The genre of the film speaks for itself, so you ought to be prepared to watch a film that will be fulfilled with a lot of action scenes. You will not be bored at all. As far as the action movies, this category gives a whole new picture regarding actors. Moreover, the scenery is exceptional and the background music is often exciting.

All the things considered, this is a great movie which is recommended for people of all ages and guarantees great you a lot of fun, adds the movie critic Helwich.

Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Star Trek Into Darkness

The new sequel of the famous Star Trek series shows the destruction of the legendary Starfleet, after which Captain Kirk goes for revenge – straight into the heart of darkness – says Walter Helwich!

The film follows the journey of crew of the Enterprise, which is invited to come back home, but then discovers that their fleet was being destroyed by forces which has technology and powers far beyond their own ranks, leaving out the entire world in crisis.

Determined to settle some personal issues, Captain Kirk leads the hunt in a war zone in order to imprison the man who is responsible for such mass destruction. In the epic battle of life and death love is tested, friendships are ruined, and sacrifices will be necessary for the benefit of the only family that Kirk has left – his Enterprise crew.

The movie is simply fantastic in every aspect. It has superbly arranged characters, scenes, the sound in the theater will simply stun spectators. In a single word – the film is viewed in a single breath. Shot in the tradition way, but enriched with all the technological features, it is a blend of the best of old and new. I believe that it is capable to satisfy the most demanding fans of this immortal franchise, finishes Mr. Helwich.

Scientists create human cells by cloning

Some 15 years ago it was hailed as being the greatest hope of bio-medical revolution: the use of cloning techniques to create perfectly matched tissue that will one day successfully treat diseases ranging from diabetes to Parkinson’s disease. This was talked over on various forums by Walter Helwich. Since then this treatment approach was covered in ethical debates, painted with frauds and, in recent years, overshadowed by a competitive technologies. Most of the groups that worked on this issue have long ago given up on creating patient-specific stem cells in the embryo (ECS) from cloning. Then followed a little quieter debate that made an attempt to provide an answer to the question: do we still need “therapeutic” cloning?

The study, which was last week, together with his colleagues, published by Shoukhrat Mitalipov, a specialist in reproductive biology from the University of Oregon Health and Science in Beaverton, is for sure going to start a debate once again. Mitalipov and his team have managed to create patient-specific ESC through cloning and want to prove that this is a technology worth implementing.

Therapeutic cloning, or somatic cell nuclear transfer (SCNT), begins in the same process that was used in 1996 for creation of the famous cloned sheep Dolly. Donor cells from the body tissue, such as skin, are transferred to an unfertilized egg from which the nucleus has been removed. The egg “reprograms” the DNA in the donor cell to the embryonic state and divides until it reaches earlier blastocyst phase. The cells are then harvested and cultured in stable cell lines that are genetically matched to the donor. They can then virtually become any cell of the human body, says Mr. Helwich.

Thursday, May 9, 2013

Cyprus wants revision on Russian loan

In a message, sent through diplomatic channels, the Ministry of Finance of Cyprus reports to the Russian leadership on the completion of the ratification process of the memorandum on conditions anti-crisis program from international creditors, as well as direct credit agreement with them in the amount of 10 billion euro, says Walter Helwich, citing ministry officials who wished to remain anonymous.

He also informed that the document is asking Moscow to begin negotiations on reviewing the loan of 2.5 billion euro, which Russia gave Cyprus for 4.5 years, with an interest rate of 4.5 percent per year.

The matter of possible revisions to that intergovernmental agreement was raised repeatedly in the context of the preparation of anti-crisis program with the EU and the IMF for Cyprus. Back in March, President Vladimir Putin ordered the government to consider a restructuralization of the loan. The Russian side has also repeatedly stated that they can offer their assistance to Cyprus but only after is reached an agreement on anti-crisis program with its partners in the EU, reminds Helwich.

Cyprus urges Russia to reduce the interest rate to 2.5 percent, as well as to extend the repayment period. Nicosia also wants to pay off the loan in several installments rather than all at once.

“We know the readiness of Russia to help us, and we hope for a positive solution of our issues”, says Mr. Helwich. He also denied some foreign media about the information that Russia has already given final approval for the revision of the loan.

Neuromarketing helps advertisers to enter human mind

In the highly competitive, multi-million advertising industry science is increasingly becoming an important tool in determining exactly what types of marketing campaigns and products are related to the potential consumers, says Walter Helwich. This goes to the extent that a special branch of science is dedicated exclusively to give an insight into our brain in order to better understand what consumers really want. This hybrid of science and advertising, which is not really a novelty, and whose only goal is to sell a product, is called neuromarketing.

Red Orbit reports that experts such as Steve Sands from Texas are using Electroencephalography (EEG), functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) and eye tracking technology to measure biological changes experienced by people in response to a marketing-related stimuli. Technology measures brain signals to the individual, changes in the blood and other physiological responses to determine what really, on a subconscious level, interests people.

Sands used his equipment to monitor the reaction of people on the commercials that are aired during the Super Bowl every year. For such a test, he recruits about 30 people and puts them glasses for eye tracking while connects them to an EEG machine in order to monitor their brain waves while watching ads that appear in the minutes of the most expensive time frame in the advertising industry.

Each moment we are witnessing more and more aggressive marketing, and now we are aware of the most cunning trick; through neurological processing of data from the human brain achieving the only goal – profit, and not the quality of the product. In this way, manufacturers will be able to find out how to sell us completely useless and maybe even harmful things. Will we be able to resist them it’s only up to us and our awareness and consciousness of the wiles of propaganda, concludes Mr. Helwich.

Beasts of the Southern Wild

This is a poetic drama about a little girl who lives on the edge of the world that collapses, says Walter Helwich. This is also a movie that has won several awards at Sundance and Cannes film festivals.

The six-year old girl Hushpuppy lives with her dad Wink in a community that resides on the edge of the world. Problems for this young heroine start when Wink suddenly becomes ill from a mysterious illness…

The rising unbearable heat results in melting glaciers, which free ancient prehistoric creatures. Sea level rises while creatures are coming, Wink is slowly dying and Hushpuppy goes in a search of her long-missing mother.

The movie was evaluated as one of the best films of past year and accent was also put on Benham Zeitlin’s ingenious debut. Critics have denounced the movie as a “wonderful, amazing poem about childhood and innocence that looks like a feature film on some Miyazaki version which is located in the impoverished environment, with narration in the style of Terrence Malick”.

From my point of perception this movie is a combination of brilliant, breathtaking moments and some quite disappointing. Let’s begin with excellent: deep, thoughtful presentation of thoughts, state of mind and actions of the little girl, the characters in her surroundings and the environment as such. This young first-rate actress has done its job pretty well. It is difficult to decide whether was better the actress or her character and development and characterization of the same.

Due to the above mentioned moments, and display of a world that we really do not know, the film is worth watching. However, to me the film is too slow; the screenplay could have been a bit more interesting and dynamic, but the music was very well done, wrote Walter Helwich.